Synced bookshelves
Easily edit your books’ information: Title, author, language, publisher. Organize them in collections, manage their tags, and find them quickly with filters (tags, authors, formats, publisher) or with the search feature.
Thanks to the sync functions, you will retrieve your books’ organisation on all your synced devices and even in the Bookari Cloud website.
In the reader, you can select several display modes (for example: list, details, thumbnails) to suit your viewing needs.

Flexible feature-rich reader
Bookmark pages; highlight or underline text; use the advanced search feature to quickly find all occurrences of a word within a book; listen to the book with voice synthesis; annotate it with powerful features designed for people who read for their work. Navigate with Bookari’s Table of Contents panel or create your own table of contents with custom-named bookmarks.
Enhance Bookari’s display of EPUB books with customized themes: adjust font, line height, margins, background colors, etc. Enjoy Bookari’s advanced support of PDF books with fast vertical and horizontal scroll, pan and zoom, and manual and automatic cropping.
Compatible with PDF, EPUB2 and EPUB3 formats and the Adobe DRM technology

Add books easily
From the web interface, drag and drop a file into your own cloud account.
From the reader on your device, scan all new book files with the Automatic search, connect to your Dropbox account, navigate to a particular file with the Explorer, browse the default OPDS catalogs or the OPDS catalogs and websites you have added to your favorite “Stores”. The different ways to import books into your library are all grouped under the “+” button for easy and quick access.
Note : Some of these ways are not available on iOS devices as they are not allowed on them

Powerful notes features
Choose from several ways to annotate your books: bookmarks, highlighting, underlining. Add notes to pages or to text selections. Using the pinnable Navigation Panel, display your notes beside the text for even easier access.
Search for words in dictionaries and add them to your own lexicon. Use the Notebook to retrieve the notes in all of your books, organize them as you would in the Bookari bookshelves, and export some or all of them in a “revision sheet”.

Listen to your books
Easily configure the speed, volume, and pitch of the voice.
Is your child learning to read? Do you wish to improve your accent in a foreign language? Do you enjoy reading the text along with the voice? To assist, voice synthesis underlines sentences as you read them.
Do you enjoy listening to a book while you jog or drive? It’s possible, and you can use the voice synthesis feature even if your device is in sleep mode.
Synced library
Switch to your tablet on your sofa, and work with your annotations on your desktop. No matter the device, your books and annotations are available, in their most recent state.
Backup your work
Got a new device, accidentally uninstalled your apps or deleted your data? Simply install the Bookari app, sign in, and your library is there, with your precious annotations.
Capture webpages
Use our browser extensions to send interesting articles that you discover on the web to your Bookari library, and read them later quietly, with the same reading comfort as a boook.
Capture webpages
Feature only available in paid plans
Retrieve & export notes
Feature only available in paid plans
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